The Secret to Change

The secret to change is to focus all of your energy on the new habit. Elimination anything is usually unsuccessful. All it ends up doing is focusing your mind on the thing you’re trying to eliminate. Instead focus on what you want to add in. Don’t think I’m trying to eliminate sugars from my diet, think I’m trying to add vegetables. And then be intentional, make a plan how many are you going to add this week, what do you need to have to prep for this, etc.
After posting my book review I’ve had a lot of people comment about how many books I read. But I really want to make sure you understand that that was not an easy start for me. My first year goal was to read six books. That was one every other month and it was a hard goal. I started out though by focusing on what I wanted to add in. Now this year reading 30 books a lot of stuff has been eliminated from my life that I didn’t even really think about. Stuff that I clearly don’t miss and wasn’t making my life any better. I didn’t focus on what I was getting rid of I focused on what I wanted to add.

Forward is forward no matter how small the step is. So think of one thing you want to add in and be intentional about making that happen.